Tuesday, May 27, 2008

If Emily can do it, so can I

I feel the need to post. I just read Emily Gould's first piece for the New York Times Magazine about her life as blogger and her work at Gawker, and it made me yearn for having a more public and exposed life. Here is a link to her blog -- Emily Magazine. She says she blogs so I don't have to, but that is not true. Now I too much blog. So I blog again. Way too long between posts and no one is reading anyways, but someday, it will be read, I promise. I will promote myself. I will put my true self out there for you to read about. But you don't know me, and that is because I have wrapped myself in aluminum foil, and it reflects all the radio waves that were trying to read my thoughts. But today I will remove the foil. This is me and it's not necessarily very pretty. I am chubby -- I almost said fat, but I don't want to admit that. I am slow; if I can keep up a 10 minute mile pace, I'm doing good. Slow witted, might have been what I meant, too. I hate to call myself that, but I am at times a little dim. I would like to think of myself as funny, but no one ever laughs with me, maybe at me but with me seldom. But I have time to change all of this. So today is the start of a new life; why does it seem like I say this at least once a month. Well it is my new life. Nothing extraordinary life changing has happened in the past 24, 48 or even 72 hours for that matter, but if I state it is the first day of the rest of my life, well then by golly it is.

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