I just can't trust Mayor Funk, and this whole ouster of CM Cauthen seems pretty sleazy. I think the CM has done some pretty good things for KC and I hate to see him go this way. Funk, the strikes are building up and as we head to the end of the third, you way down. You need some offense quick, because it seems like you have been on defense since your term began earlier this year. Quickly, do something positive for the city and I don't think that is firing a fairly successful CM. Can you make it to the end of this game and play a doubleheader, at this time it looks like it may be tough, heck if things continue the way they are, you may be lucky to not have this game called early.
Now, as far as Paulie ... Mr. Kansas AG, you had so much political goodwill on your side and then you screwed it up, and I mean literally
screwed it up. I hate to see you go out this way too, and I have no reason to believe you will quite and I don't think you probably should. But tread lightly for a few months, and I bet this blows over. Your a decent man, I truly believe, and I have met you several times and think this. I also have met Phill Kline on several occassions and I don't know if I would say the same. In fact, if anyone should resign, I would say it is PK. So Paulie I stick by you for now, but be careful.